Welcome! These are all the tools you will need for the Vital8 program.
DAILY JOURNAL: Track your daily intake & activities so you can decide what’s working and what needs to change.
SIMPLIFY YOUR DAILY DIET: Here’s the blueprint for how to eat. Follow these simple guidelines and start feeling better in your body.
HOW MUCH SHOULD I EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT? Here are the general recommended guidelines for each macro when it comes to weight loss (fat loss) and building & maintaining skeletal muscle (source: NASM)
DIETARY RESET AND DETOX: Here are the guidelines for identifying potential troublemakers in your diet.
LIFE-GIVING, SUPER-POWER FOODS: How we think about food can impact our eating decisions. Intuitive eating is inspired by connecting to the nutritional, life-giving super powers of the food we eat.
ALIGN WITH WHAT YOU LOVE: Most of us are happiest when our actions align with what we value. What is important to you? What qualities do you look for in people and in your daily interactions?
MAKE A SELF-CARE PLAN: Stress Management is an inside job. Making ourselves a priority is paramount to our health and well-being.
MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE: Make a weekly exercise plan to get more movement and relaxation into your week.