I started back in Yogasu Fitness after years of not participating. I was having back pain and the body rolling class was of particular interest. A few classes and my back pain was gone. I love the perfect mix of HIIT, yoga and body rolling. My core is stronger, my mind more peaceful and Sue is the absolute BEST instructor.
— L. Wrightson


I have been working with Sue for 18 months and have taken all of her classes. She offers a multitude of workouts at varying levels. Her foot class helped me recover from my broken ankle and I feel as though I have had a massage after the ball class. I must tell you that it’s her soothing energy, kind soul, wisdom and devotion to her tribe that inspires me.
— L. Taylor
Yogasu Fitness has impacted my life in so many positive ways. When I began Yoga with Sue I had been struggling with Sciatica in my left hip for several years. Through the practice of Yoga and body rolling all of the issues with the Sciatica have dissipated, I feel more alive and fit than I have in years. Not only am I doing Yoga and body rolling but now I can do the HITT classes which are challenging but energizing and have taken my fitness to a new level! Sue’s versatile style of teaching keeps every class positive and uplifting. She has the ability to motivate and challenge you but always with the individual student in mind to be true to their own body and grow.
— S. Genson
I started yoga classes with Yogasu over seven years ago and I don’t like to miss a week without it. Classes are welcoming and inclusive and Sue is quick to help with any personal accommodations or advice. After injuring myself in a riding accident, Sue stayed after an evening class to show me ways to roll out my shoulder so it would not stiffen or “freeze” up. It did the trick and I regained full range of motion.
— E. Foley-Breck
I have participated in yoga, HITT and ball rolling classes with Sue. I have become aware of my body, how I move, where I need strengthening and stretching. I consider yoga, ball rolling and strengthening essential to the aging process - to be the best I can be! Watching Sue move is an inspiration to me. I have learned that life’s journey is a process and I must be kind to myself as I move through life. Sue truly respects each individual and approaches life with gratitude and humility. She is dedicated to her teaching of others and focused in her classes. Attending the 2020 One Love Retreat in Treasure Beach, Jamaica was a pivotal point in my own personal practice and the friendships and memories are treasured. I appreciate the hard work, dedication and organization that Sue put into planning the retreat and feel honored to be part of her tribe.
— Marilyn L.
On my approach to turning 50, I started yoga with Sue hoping to improve my flexibility and strength. At the time I was thinking mostly of my arms and legs but what I received was so much more than I ever expected. My core strength and balance and overall sense of well being were all dramatically changed for the better. With the addition of ball rolling and HIIT my benefits became physically visible. In addition, all of this took place in the most encouraging, supportive, friendly and uplifting environment imaginable.
— Kelly R.
I have been attending Susan’s yoga classes for over 2 years. I work out at a gym but they don’t provide the stretching and flexibility that a post menapausal woman needs. I sustained an injury and noticed my flexibility was suffering. I started with the Yamuna ball rolling. Susan is so attentive and designs the class so that each individual is able to tailor the workout to his or her needs. She is so knowledgeable and has options for all levels. I no longer have injuries, my flexibility has improved. I wish that I could do yoga every day. I am so impressed with Susan, I wouldn’t want any other yoga instructor.
— Peg L.